How to view your similarity score for your PRE-DRAFT

You must be logged on to Moodle and be using a PC. Tablets and mobile devices are not currently supported by Turnitin.

1 Click on Similarity Test Submission link.

check you sim score

2 Click on My Submissions.

My Submissions

3 Right Click on your assignment title (usually your student number), and select "Open in New Window". This will load your pre-draft onto a new window.

submission link

4 To display the similarity, click on the Match overview button.

Here you will be able view the overall similarity score on the top-right, with the list of sources below underneath Match Overview.

Similarity report

You can then breakdown the matched sources by clicking on one from the list as shown below.

Matched sources

6 To save your originality score, click on the Download button and select Current view.


Last modified: Tuesday, 19 November 2019, 2:38 PM